OFFICIAL Test – Jujutsu Kaisen Personality – What character are you?

Discover with the Official Test of the 16 Personalities which Jujutsu no Kaisen character you are, depending on your personality.

After taking the test, you will get a combination of 4 letters that will represent your personality.

Results – Jujutsu Kaisen Personality Test

Below you will see several Jujutsu Kaisen characters with their corresponding personality type, and a brief summary of it. You can click on each character’s letters to see a much broader explanation of their corresponding personality in the 16 Personality Test.

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It may happen that your personality corresponds to several characters, or that on the contrary, it only appears in a very unre relevant character. This personality test does not attempt to force you with any of Jujutsu Kaisen’s characters.

You can press Ctrl + F to find your four letters more precisely.

Satoru Gojo – ENTP (Visionary)

Talkative, spontaneous, witty and with good critical thinking.

Kento Nanami – ISTJ (Technical)

Reserved and very responsible, who usually prefers to work alone.

Yuji Itadori – ISFP (Artist) or ESFP (Animator)

Great creativity and enthusiasm to fulfill your goals and ambitions.

Megumi Fushiguro – ISTJ (Technical)

Reserved and very responsible, who usually prefers to work alone.

Nobara Kugisaki – ESTJ (Executive)

Hardworking, reliable and committed. He enjoys transmitting his way of doing things to other people.

Toge Inumaki – INTP (Scientific)

Reserved and disorganized, but with incredible mental agility and critical thinking.

Maki Zenin – ESTJ (Executive) or ISTJ (Technical)

Hardworking, reliable and committed. He enjoys transmitting his way of doing things to other people.

Panda – ENFP (Free Soul) or ENTP (Visionary)

Spontaneous, with great empathetic capacity and always looking to create a good atmosphere.

Aoi Todo – ESFJ (Good Friend) or ENFJ (Charismatic)

Aoi Todo represents the ESFJ personality by popular vote. For me it would be rather ESFP, or ENFJ.

Very sociable; you love being in a good environment and working as a team.

Kokochi Muta – Mechamaru – INTJ (Master Mind)

Reserved, with great analytical capacity and ease to create and adapt to your plans.

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Suguru Geto – INTJ (Master Mind)

Reserved, with great analytical capacity and ease to create and adapt to your plans.

Mahito – ENTP (Visionary)

Talkative, spontaneous, witty and with good critical thinking.

Jogo – ESFP (Animator)

Spontaneous and very practical; you’re always looking to have a good time.

Hanami – ISFJ (Charitable)

Reserved and very considerate; always worried about his loved ones.

Junpei Yoshino – INFP (Idealist)

Shy but with great ideas and ambitions to help others.

Other Jujutsu Kaisen characters with less clear personalities:

Mei Mei – ENTJ (Leader)

Hardworking and very responsible, with great capacity to organize groups of people.

Yuta Okkotsu – INFJ (Altruist)

Idealistic and empathetic as well as proactive in helping others.

Choso – ISTP (Worker)

Very practical and reserved; loves to learn by trying.

Toji Fushiguro – ESTP (Entrepreneur)

Lover of adrenaline and challenges, social and practical.

The personality types with which each character relates are extracted from Personality Database, a website that assigns different people and characters profiles of the 16 personalities according to people’s votes.

This means that even if I agree with the vast majority, I am not showing my personal opinion here, but a global count of votes and results.

Want to find out more about the 16 Personalities? (Spanish articles)

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Autor del artículo:

Me llamo Darío Huerta, trabajo como programador en España, donde me gradué como programador de videojuegos y modelado 3D.

También soy un gran aficionado al ajedrez, al boxeo, al anime y al manga.

Descubre más sobre mí en el About Me o sobre los juegos y aplicaciones que he desarrollado en el apartado de Mis Juegos.

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OFFICIAL Test – Jujutsu Kaisen Personality – What character are you?
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